Day 2
Jeoffrey Sibal Falls In 10th Place - PHP 265,000

After several orbits with Keng Yong Tan picking up a couple of small pots he claims a big one to end Day 2. Hand opens with Tan raising 100,000 from the button, called by the big blind Jeoffrey Sibal.
Both players check the flop 7♥ A♠ 9♦ , then Sibal leads out 150,000 on the turn J♦, Tan raises 300,000, Sibal shoves his remaining 615,000 and is snap-called.
Sibal's two pair drawing dead against Tan's set. The river 5♥ is of no consequence. Sibal exits in 10th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 7♠9♥ BB | busted |
TK Tan Keng Yong | J♠J♣ D | 1,985,000(40 BB) |

Table 15
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
HA Hiroyuki Akanuma | 1,075,000(27 BB) | 15 | 2 |
KK Kaoru Kishimoto | 2,700,000(68 BB) | 15 | 3 |
TK Tan Keng Yong | 995,000(25 BB) | 15 | 4 |
AP Ashley Patterson | 590,000(15 BB) | 15 | 6 |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 1,010,000(25 BB) | 15 | 8 |
Jeoffrey Sibal Doubles Up

Jeoffrey Sibal three-bets all in for 465,000 and initial raiser Kaoru Kishimoto calls. Sibal's pocket pair holds to double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | T♠T♥ SB | 1,010,000(25 BB) |
KK Kaoru Kishimoto | A♠T♦ UTG | 2,600,000(65 BB) |
Final 15 Players - Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
KK Kaoru Kishimoto | 2,180,000(87 BB) |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 1,640,000(66 BB) |
VN Vivencio Nachor Jr. | 1,440,000(58 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 1,200,000(48 BB) |
LM | 1,050,000(42 BB) |
SC Seungcheol Choi | 955,000(38 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson | 920,000(37 BB) |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 865,000(35 BB) |
JB Jean Berdejo | 510,000(20 BB) |
TK Tan Keng Yong | 500,000(20 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 465,000(19 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 460,000(18 BB) |
AB Andrei Budykin | 395,000(16 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 360,000(14 BB) |
Liao Po Hsun Survives Against Kings

Facing a raise from Jeoffrey Sibal, big blind Liao Po Hsun shoves his last 285,000 and gets called. Liao goes on to connect on the flop which holds to stay in the game.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LP Liao Po Hsun | K♣K♦ | 600,000(30 BB) |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | A♦6♦ | 791,000(40 BB) |
Jeoffrey Sibal Delivers Double KO

Three way all in with Jeoffrey Sibal dominating and covering both players to deliver a double bust.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | A♦A♠ CO | 1,076,000(54 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 6♦6♣ HJ | busted |
KY Kazuma Yasuda | A♣K♣ UTG | busted |
Jeoffrey Sibal Doubles Up With Kings

Jeoffrey Sibal opens 40,000 then risks his entire 440,000 stack after Gary Thompson's 500,000 three-bet. Sibal has kings and goes on to double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | K♣K♠ | 91,600(5 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson | 7♥7♦ | 1,023,000(51 BB) |
Jeoffrey Sibal Lucks Out

Along the way, Jeoffrey Sibal dropped to 14 bb and pushes to find one caller in Mike Takayama.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | A♥Q♣ | 378,000(32 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | A♠K♣ | 210,000(18 BB) |
Though behind, the board improves Sibal to a straight to be given renewed life.
Jeoffrey Sibal Claims A Stack

Jeoffrey Sibal calls Victorino Torres' three-bet shove of 83,000 and dominates throughout.
Player | Hand | Chips |
VT Victorino Torres | A♦Q♦ BB | busted |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | A♥K♥ MP | 280,000(35 BB) |