Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips
Day 1C
From utg+1 Takuya Morita min-raises, hijack Shayne Villanueva and small blind Chris Luwei call for a flop 3♠ 9♠ Q♥ . Morita continues 3500, Villanueva makes it 16,000, Luwei folds, Morita calls and they head to the turn K♣ . Villanueva continues the big bets laying out 20,000, Morita check-calls. With the river T♣ , both players opt to check.
Villanueva collects the pot with two pair.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CL Chris Luwei | 37,000(19 BB) | |
SV Shayne Villanueva | K♠Q♠ | 121,000(61 BB) |
TM Takuya Morita | A♠7♠ | 100,000(50 BB) |
8/3/2024, 4:32:41 AM
Emmanuel Derecho Comes Out Firing
Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100

Emmanuel Derecho is ready to play as he opens 300, gets re-raised by Sangkwon Park to 800 that's called by Chris Luwei Feng. Derecho four-bets to 3200, Park folds and Luwei calls.
At the flop 3♦ J♠ 4♣ , Derecho jumps out with a 2800 bet and wins the pot.
Player | Chips |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 34,300(343 BB) |
SP Sangkwon Park | 29,200(292 BB) |
CL Chris Luwei | 26,800(268 BB) |