Day 2

11/23/2023, 4:30:00 PM

Adrien Tantaro eliminates Abhinav Iyer on the bubble

Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000

5,000 ante

Adrien Tantaro

Action folds to button Adrien Tantaro who opens, small blind Abhinav Iyer jams his 142,000 stack, Tantaro calls.

Iyer J J Tantaro Q Q

The board runs low 8 8 5 2 7 to eliminate Iyer on the bubble.

Chip Counts

380,000(76 BB)

Day 1A

11/21/2023, 10:00:00 PM

Adrien Tantaro busts another one

Level 13: 1,000 / 2,500

2500 ante

Adrien Tantaro

Two hands prior, Adrien Tantaro railed a player with Ace-King dominating Ace-Queen. He cleaned out another player with action first opened by Junnie Pamplona to 5500, three bet to 14,000 by Tantaro, Sebastian Mueller shoved, Pamplona tank-folded, and Tantaro called.

Adrien Tantaro - A J Sebastian Mueller - A Q

The flop came 9 Q 4 for top pair to Mueller, but the turn 7 was a flush for Tantaro, Mueller was drawing dead. The river was 5

Chip Counts

150,000(60 BB)