Day 2

8/4/2023, 7:11:00 PM

Rasid Paitao completes on the river

Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Cezar Quiambao
Cezar Quiambao

A board of K 5 9 3 saw quite the action from three players with a 180,000 pot already built by the flop. Turn was where all the chips came rushing in the middle - Cezar Quiambao with a set 9 9 , Rasid Paitao with a combo draw J T , and Jester Intia with a lower set 5 5 . An exciting moment, the 8 completed the board as well as Paitao’s diamond flush.

Chip Counts

700,000(70 BB)
474,000(47 BB)