Final Day
Roh Hyunseb gains some from Pak
Valeriy Pak raises to 125,000, big blind Roh Hyunseb defends, the flop is 6♠ 5♥ 3♥ . Pak c-bets 135,000, Hyunseb check-raises all in, Pak folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,300,000(26 BB) | 500,000 | |
1,000,000(20 BB) | -200,000 |
Small pot for Valeriy Pak
Cutoff Valeriy Pak raises to 125,000, big blind Kiril Gelev calls, the flop comes 2♦ [2c} A♥ . Pak c-bets 125,000, Gelev check-calls. On the turn 9♣ , Pak moves all in and this time Gelev folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
2,600,000(52 BB) | -315,000 | |
1,200,000(24 BB) | 285,000 |
Final 9 players

Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
2,915,000 | 15,000 | |
2,600,000 | ||
2,430,000 | 230,000 | |
2,385,000 | -315,000 | |
2,375,000 | -125,000 | |
1,890,000 | 190,000 | |
1,495,000 | 795,000 | |
915,000 | 215,000 | |
680,000 | 30,000 |
Kiril Gelev pulling away
Three players in on a flop 4♣ T♠ 2♣ , under the gun Kiril Gelev bets 105,000, hijack Khurelbaatar Shinebi and small blind Valeriy Pak call. On the turn K♦ , Gelev fires a large 400,000, only Shinebi continues to the river T♣ . Gelev bets 400,000 again, Shinebi moves all in, Gelev calls and shows 4♥ 4♠ full house to beat Shinebi’s Q♣ 8♣ flush.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
2,900,000(73 BB) | 1,700,000 | |
700,000(18 BB) | -400,000 | |
550,000(14 BB) | -1,250,000 |
Valeriy Pak shoves and wins the pot
Four players in on a flop 2♠ 9♥ 3♥ with 360,000 in the pot. Big blind Kiril Gelev checks, utg Khurelbaatar Shinebi bets 45,000, cutoff Yoshiki Miura folds, button Valeriy Pak shoves. No takers to win the pot.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
2,500,000(63 BB) | 1,400,000 | |
1,800,000(45 BB) | 300,000 | |
1,200,000(30 BB) | -200,000 | |
1,100,000(28 BB) | 200,000 |
12 players remaining
19:23: Kiril Gelev shoves, Pak folds Level 24: 15,000-30,000 ante 30,000
Kiril Gelev and Valeriy Pak build a 500,000 pot preflop then see the cards run K♥ J♦ 3♠ . Gelev shoves his big stack, Pak check-folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,400,000(35 BB) | 820,000 | |
900,000(23 BB) | -500,000 |
Valeriy Pak has the nut flush to rail Mondalo
On a board that completed 9♦ 3♦ 6♦ 5♦ 2♣ , a 600,000 pot was swimming in the middle. Lojack Bonifacio Mondalo was all in with K♠ K♦ flush but was still no good against Valeriy Pak’s A♦ 7♦ nut flush.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,400,000(47 BB) | 1,000,000 |
Ashley Patterson cracks aces
Preflop action leads to a 250,000 pot and a flop of 6♠ 9♣ K♣ . Betting leads to both playerys all in. Valeriy Pak has A♥ A♠ and is behind Ashley Patterson’s 6♦ 6♣ set. The turn 2♦ and river K♠ are no help to Pak for a double up to Patterson.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,900,000(76 BB) | 1,170,000 | |
400,000(16 BB) | -1,000,000 |
Valeriy Pak earns for top pair
Cutoff Valeriy Pak raises to 37,000, Jerson Quiras defends the big blind, the flop comes {%s} A♠ 8♦ . Both players check, the turn is K♦ , Pak bets 35,000, Quiras check-calls. On the river K♥ , Pak bets 55,000, Quiras calls again then mucks to Pak’s A♣ Q♠ top pair.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,400,000(93 BB) | ||
250,000(17 BB) | -3,850,000 |
Valeriy Pak rails Erquiaga
End of the road for David Erquiaga who risks it all with A♠ K♠ but fails to improve against Valeriy Pak‘s 9♣ 9♠ with the board running 2♦ 8♥ Q♠ 5♣ 5♦ .
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,400,000(140 BB) | 350,000 | |
busted | -340,000 |
Valeriy Pak reaches a mil
Valeriy Pak continues to drag in pots to send his stack over a million. On his most recent win, a pot of 60,000 was in the middle and a flop 4♥ 7♠ 8♠ . From the small blind Pak overbet 100,000, big blind called for everything and showed J♦ J♠ overpair. Pak had T♠ 5♠ draw. The turn 4♠ granted the flus, and with the river 8♣ , Vyas went bust and Pak climbed over a mil.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,050,000(131 BB) | 130,000 | |
busted | -170,000 |
Valeriy Pak’s aggressive bets wins the pot
Two players face a flop 4♠ 9♠ 6♣ with 110,000 already brewed. Big blind Valeriy Pak bets 46,000, button Prolan Fandialan calls, the turn comes 9♥ . Pak fires 86,000, this time Prolan gives up his stake on the pot.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
920,000(115 BB) | 60,000 | |
220,000(28 BB) | -10,000 |
Vyas Mahek Jagrut with quads
Action folds to button player Valeriy Pak who raises to 20,000, short stacked small blind Vyas Mahek Jagrut three-bets all in, Pak calls and shows 5♣ 7♣ . Vyas way ahead with T♦ T♠ . Vyas further improves to quads on a board 5♥ T♣ 4♠ A♥ T♥ to double up.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
860,000(108 BB) | 150,000 | |
170,000(21 BB) | 170,000 |
Valeriy Pak rising
On a board 9♠ 8♣ J♦ 8♦ 4♠ and 110,000 in the pot, hijack Valeriy Pak shoves, button Jeong Soooh folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
710,000(118 BB) | 380,000 | |
190,000(32 BB) | 62,000 |
Day 1B
Chulwoo Park vs Valeriy Park
By the turn A♠ 7♠ [3d} 4♦ , a huge pot of 160,000 was already in the middle, lojack Chulwoo Park bet 100,000, button Valeriy Pak tank-folded.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
330,000(55 BB) | 330,000 | |
300,000(50 BB) | 300,000 |