Final Day

7/29/2023, 3:32:00 PM

Florencio Campomanes gets the boost

Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000

Action folds to small blind Florencio Campomanes who shoves his 8 bb stack, big blind Park Chulwoo calls. Campomanes is ahead A 3 , Park has live cards Q J . The board runs 3 A 8 9 6 for a double up to Campomanes.

Chip Counts

360,000(36 BB)
180,000(18 BB)

Day 1B

7/28/2023, 9:30:00 PM

Park Chulwoo avoids the rail with lucky river

Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Under the gun Park Chulwoo raises to 11,000 and is called by the blinds. The flop is K 3 Q , Park c-bets 20,000, blinds both check-call. On the turn 4 , Park shoves, small blind folds, big blind Rodrigo Medina calls. Park has A A and is far behind Medina’s 3 3 set. To everyone’s shock, the river comes A for a higher set to Park and a double up.

Chip Counts

240,000(48 BB)
200,000(40 BB)