Final Day

7/29/2023, 8:17:00 PM

Kiril Gelev pulling away

Level 25: 20,000 / 40,000 ante: 40,000

Three players in on a flop 4 T 2 , under the gun Kiril Gelev bets 105,000, hijack Khurelbaatar Shinebi and small blind Valeriy Pak call. On the turn K , Gelev fires a large 400,000, only Shinebi continues to the river T . Gelev bets 400,000 again, Shinebi moves all in, Gelev calls and shows 4 4 full house to beat Shinebi’s Q 8 flush.

Chip Counts

2,900,000(73 BB)
700,000(18 BB)
550,000(14 BB)
7/29/2023, 8:00:00 PM

Valeriy Pak shoves and wins the pot

Level 25: 20,000 / 40,000 ante: 40,000

Four players in on a flop 2 9 3 with 360,000 in the pot. Big blind Kiril Gelev checks, utg Khurelbaatar Shinebi bets 45,000, cutoff Yoshiki Miura folds, button Valeriy Pak shoves. No takers to win the pot.

Chip Counts

2,500,000(63 BB)
1,800,000(45 BB)
1,200,000(30 BB)
1,100,000(28 BB)
7/29/2023, 6:10:00 PM

Khurelbaatar Shinebi shoves for the pot

Level 22: 10,000 / 25,000 ante: 25,000

Lojack player opens for 45,000, the blinds call, all three see the flop 9 6 A . Small blind Kiril Gelev leads out 20,000, big blind Khurelbaatar Shinebi raises to 85,000, lojack folds, Gelev calls. On the turn K , Shinebi bets 80,000, Gelev check-calls. On the river 3 , Shinebi shoves, Gelev folds.

Chip Counts

1,500,000(60 BB)
580,000(23 BB)