Day 1B

7/28/2023, 5:25:00 PM

Down and up for Hongo Kanata

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
hongo kanata
Hongo Kanata

Back to back hands for Hongo Kanata. The first sees a flop 3 5 8 and 7800 in the pot, utg Moo Suk bets 4500, big blind Hongo Kanata check-raises to 13,000, Suk calls. More bets land on the turn K with Hongo betting 8000 then calling Suk’s raise to 16,000. On the river K , Hongo bets 26,000, Suk calls, Hongo has 8 9 and loses to Suk’s A 7 flush.

The next hand, Hongo recovers some chips by railing a player. Hongo’s Q Q improves to a full house on a board 8 8 7 Q 3 to oust A [8c} trips.

Chip Counts

110,000(92 BB)
50,000(42 BB)