Day 1B

7/28/2023, 3:40:00 PM

Ching Li Lok rails back to starting stack

Level 5: 300 / 600 ante: 600

Hijack Chin Li Lok stares down a flop J 5 T with 4000 in the pot and bets 1800, big blind player check-raises all in. Ching calls and has open-ended Q 9 , big blind with J T two pair. The turn 8 grants Ching the straight, and with A on the river, Ching ships and boots one.

Chip Counts

30,000(50 BB)
7/28/2023, 2:39:00 PM

Ting Yen Huang plays Aces with caution

Level 3: 200 / 400 ante: 400

Cutoff Ching Li Lok raises to 1000, button calls, big blind Ting Yen Huang three-bets to 4500, Ching calls and button call for a three-way to the flop K 6 5 . All check, the turn is 4 . Ching sends out a 7700 that finds both opponents calling. On the river 4 , all three go back to checking. Huang shows A A and wins the pot.

Chip Counts

52,000(130 BB)
19,000(48 BB)
14,000(35 BB)
7/28/2023, 2:18:00 PM

Moses Saquing goes aggro

Level 3: 200 / 400 ante: 400
moses saquing
Moses Saquing

On a board 5 3 6 A and 4,000 in the pot, big blind Moses Saquing check-raises from 2800 to 8000, cutoff Ching Li Lok calls. On the river 2 , Saquing sends out 20,000, well covering Ching’s stack,who then folds.

Chip Counts

45,000(113 BB)
17,000(43 BB)