Final Day
Kiril Gelev shoves on Mondalo
Cutoff Bonifacio Mondalo raises to 50,000 then calls small blind Kiril Gelev’s 160,000 three-bet. When the flop lands 7♥ 2♠ 4♣ , Gelev shoves ,Mondalo folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,200,000(48 BB) | 200,000 | |
750,000(30 BB) | 50,000 |
Kiril Gelev versus Bonifacio Mondalo
From cutoff, Bonifacio Mondalo raises to 23,000, Kiril Gelev defends the big blind, the flop runs K♥ K♠ 9♠ . Mondalo c-bets 25,000, Gelev check-calls. Both players check the turn J♣ . The river 4♥ sees Gelev lead out 90,000, Mondalo calls. Gelev claims the pot with K♦ 6♣ trips beating Mondalo’s Q♠ Q♥ .
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,000,000(100 BB) | -300,000 | |
700,000(70 BB) | 150,000 |
Another pot for Mondalo
Under the gun Li Oleg raises to 28,000 then calls Bonifacio Mondalo’s 85,000 three-bet. The flop comes 5♠ 9♦ K♥ . Li checks, Mondalo bets 75,000, Li folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,300,000(130 BB) | 100,000 | |
LO | 920,000(92 BB) | 120,000 |
Bonifacio Mondalo rails Kang Yunku
Hijack opens for 22,000, blinds call, flop comes 6♣ 7♣ Q♥ and all check. The turn 3♥ induces action with small blind Bonifacio Mondalo betting 35,000, big blind Kang Yunku shoving, hijack gets out of the way. Mondalo has Q♣ 8♣ , Kang 4♣ 3♣ , the river 9♦ secures the win for Mondalo to eliminate Kang.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,200,000(120 BB) | 1,200,000 | |
busted |